1.1 Hello World!
1.2 Arithmetic
1.3 String Formatting
1.4 Variables
1.5 Manipulating Variables
1.6 Prompting for Input
1.7 Prompting for Numerical Input
1.8 Math and Random Methods
2.1 Logic Crash Course
2.2 If Statements
2.3 Branching with Else If and Else
2.4 Compound Boolean Expressions
2.5 Nested If Statements
2.6 While Loops
2.7 Number Guessing Game
2.8 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
2.9 For Loops
2.10 Nested Loops
Part 2 Summary
3.1 Arrays
3.2 Arrays and Loops
3.3 Lists
3.3 Foreach Loops
3.5 List Methods
4.1 Method Basics
4.2 Method Parameters
5.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
5.2 Constructors
Lab 1 - Raylib Part 1