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Python Fundamentals

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Part 1 - Programming Basics

1.1 Hello World!

1.2 Arithmetic

1.3 String Formatting

1.4 Variables

1.5 Manipulating Variables

1.6 Prompting for Input

1.7 Prompting for Numerical Input

1.8 Constants, Math Functions, and Random Numbers

Part 2 - Control Flow: Selection and Iteration

2.1 Logic Crash Course

2.2 If Statements

2.3 Branching

2.4 Compound Boolean Expressions

2.5 Nested If Statements

2.6 While Loops

2.7 Number Guessing Game

2.8 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

2.9 For Loops and Ranges

Part 3 - Compound Data Types

3.1 Lists

3.2 Lists and While Loops

3.3 Lists and For Loops

3.4 List Functions and Keywords

Part 4 - Functions

4.1 Function Basics

4.2 Function Parameters

4.3 Return Statements

Part 5 - Modules and Object-Oriented Programming

5.1 Importing Modules

5.2 Classes and Objects

5.3 Constructors and the Self Keyword


Lab 1 - Turtle Graphics