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Code Challenge 5.2 - Student Class
Your task is to design and implement a Student class and write a program that tests the class. This challenge will focus on encapsulating object-oriented programming concepts such as constructors, methods, and fields.
Skills to Practice
- Defining and implementing classes.
- Creating constructors.
- Defining and using methods.
- Working with object-oriented design principles.
Challenge Tasks
- Create a console project named Challenge 5-2.
- Draw the Class Diagram:
- Draw the class diagram for the Student class, including fields, constructors, and methods.
- Class Implementation:
- Define a class named
with the following specifications:
- Two string data fields named
and id
- A constructor that initializes the fields with specified parameters.
- A method named
* that returns the student’s name and id.
- Test Program:
- Write a test program that creates two Student objects:
- One with name “Alice” and id “A123”.
- Another with name “Bob” and id “B456”.
- Display the name and id of each student in this order.
* Use the naming convention that matches your programming language/preference.