A mad lib is a fun and interactive word game where the player provides various words—such as nouns, foods, places, verbs, and adjectives. These words are then inserted into a pre-written story to create a humorous and often nonsensical tale. Try a mad lib Try a mad lib here if you’ve never played one before.
In short, when the user plays the game, they should be able to enter some values, and read their custom story.
--- The Wonderful Journey ---
Enter a noun: Nintendo Entertainment System [Enter]
Enter an adjective: smelly [Enter]
Enter a verb: jump [Enter]
Enter another noun: hot dog [Enter]
Enter an adverb: suspiciously [Enter]
Here is your story:
Once upon a time, a smelly Nintendo Entertainment System decided to jump.
On its journey, it found a mysterious hot dog.
The Nintendo Entertainment System and the hot dog became friends.
Together, they jumped suspiciously into the sunset.
And they lived happily ever after.